Our Approach
"The secret of good teaching is to regard the child's intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of flaming imagination. Our aim is not only to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorize, but so to touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his innermost core. We do not want complacent pupils, but eager ones, We seek to sow life in the child rather than theories, to help him in growth , mental and emotional as well as physical, and for that we must offer grand and lofty ideas to the human mind." --Maria Montessori
Follow The Child is a collection of parents, certified teachers and students that embody a philosophy that learning is best achieved not through rote memorization but through hands on experiences. Students are encouraged to explore, experience and question the world around them. Students are instructed in a variety of subjects with age appropriate materials, hands on experience and real world application.